Baylor Research Impacts Toolkit
Our Research Impact Toolkits (Baylor ID required) include a wide variety of activities for each target audience and are continually being updated and improved. Activity ideas are taken from previous Baylor projects, NSF resources, and ARIS. Each RI Toolkit includes links to resources, potential partners to contact, sample templates, evaluation ideas, and Baylor examples.
Broader Impacts 101: Recorded training course that introduces NSF's Broader Impact review criterion and outlines resources and potential partners to help Baylor faculty plan this important component of their grant proposals
K-12 Students and Teachers Activities that encourage students towards a STEM education pathway and career (examples: create “Meet the Scientist” and “Science Activity” videos; invite students from underrepresented groups to tour your lab to learn about your research; or create teacher professional development courses in your research area)
Higher Education Activities for and with undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, Baylor early-career faculty, faculty from underrepresented groups, and faculty at Minority Serving Institutions (examples: have your lab participate in Mayborn Portal to the Public training and prepare an informal science activity to do at the Mayborn; participate at the Advanced Instrument Workshop; or mentor early-career faculty)
Science Interested Public Activities that explain your research or science area to the public through formal or informal events (examples: Baylor Connections Podcast; present lectures for the public; create a blog on your science area; or write scientific articles for popular magazines)
Government and Industry Using your research to inform policymaking, improve national security, increase partnerships between academia and industry, or increase U.S. economic competitiveness. (examples: Work with Baylor’s Lab2Market to commercialize your technology; write a whitepaper on your research and submit it to an appropriate government agency; or write informational briefs for policymakers and industry leaders)
Research Impact: Along with your RI plan for NSF Broader Impacts, you will also want to include an explanation of how your research activity contributes in a positive way to society. You will explain to reviewers (1) Who can this research help or empower? (2) Whose quality of life can improve? (3) What actions make these Broader Impacts more likely?
Broadening Participation (BP) in STEM: In each RI toolkit, there are suggestions for how your activities can also include a plan for broadening the participation of individuals historically underrepresented in STEM (such as African Americans, Alaska Natives, Hispanics, Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, Native Pacific Islanders, persons with disabilities, persons from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, and women and girls)