After receiving a disclosure and meeting with the inventor, the Office of Innovation & Economic Development develops a brief, non-confidential summary of the invention and sends this summary to the inventor for approval. This summary is posted on the website and sent to targeted potential commercial partners. Before the summary can be used for marketing, the inventor must approve the summary and ensure that it does not contain any confidential or enabling information. The Office of Innovation & Economic Development may also take photos of the inventor and the invention (if applicable) to be used in marketing materials including social media campaigns.
The Office of Innovation & Economic Development both promotes the invention broadly and takes a targeted marketing approach by reaching out directly to potential external partners that are appropriate for the invention. Inventors are asked in the disclosure to provide information for any contacts that they have already made or industry partners who they think might be interested in the invention. Importantly, the most successful commercialization leads typically come from the inventor. If a company reaches out seeking more information about an invention, the Office of Innovation & Economic Development may ask the inventor to provide additional or clarifying information.