CARA Support and Training
CARA Support & Training
Welcome to Baylor Compliance and Research Administration (CARA) support and training resources. CARA is Baylor’s new online system for research management. As you utilize CARA throughout each step of the research award life cycle, you may run into questions. Below, you’ll find videos and files designed to quickly answer questions specific to your role.
For further support, you can email
CARA Dashboard
Familiarize yourself with the CARA dashboard through the following video:
CARA Training Registration
Click the link below to register for CARA Training Sessions that will be available throughout summer and into the fall. Attendance to training would be best suited to coincide within a month of upcoming proposal submissions.
All training sessions can be completed in a single morning. Alternatively, sessions can be completed over the course of multiple days if needed. In-Person Training is at the Dutton Training Facility – ITS Seminar 102. (Dutton Garage). Remote training sessions will also be made available as need arises.
Guides by Role
Select your role from the menu below to find guides and videos for your specific needs.