Employment Info
Before You Arrive at Baylor
Prior to your arrival at Baylor, you'll want to review some important employment information and fill out required paperwork to help your first days on campus go smoothly.
- Review the Postdoctoral Scholars page.
- Review HR's Welcome to Baylor page.
- Review Baylor’s “Staff- Before you Arrive” website
- Employment Eligibility Form (I-9)
- Review benefits information from Baylor HR.
- Note: Postdocs receive the same benefits as a Baylor staff employee, except for retirement; retirement is not available for temporary employment status such as postdoctoral scholars.
- Review Health and Insurance options
- Review Family Benefits
- Review the Wellbeing initiative page
- Review the Advantages of Working at Baylor
- International Scholars: review the Health Services and Insurance information from the Center of Global Engagement
- Review Baylor’s Time Away page on leave policies.
- Activate Baylor ID
- Set your password for email, Bearweb, and other applications that require a Baylor login
- Enroll with Duo Two Factor identification
- Access your Baylor email
- Monthly payroll schedule
- Review Baylor’s Holiday schedule
During Your First Four Weeks
Once you've arrived on campus and begun getting settled, there are a few more items you'll need to complete.
- Required: Attend Baylor HR’s Bear Essentials orientation, event information will be emailed to you
- Required: Review and enroll in your selected benefits before the end of your first 30 days via BenefitFocus
- Required: Attend Postdoctoral Scholar orientation, event information will be emailed to you
- Schedule a one-on-one meeting with Postdoctoral Scholars to design your customized postdoc experience. Email the office at PostdocScholars@Baylor.edu.
- Develop individualized development plans (IDP)
- Identify resources and supports for your IDP goals
- Schedule professional headshot
- Meet with your research mentor to review IDP and goals
- Obtain your Baylor photo ID card
- Review Baylor University’s Personnel Policies (BUPP)
- Sign up for direct deposit (pay), if desired
- Register for your unique ORCID ID to distinguish you from other researchers and to connect you to research and other researchers
- Explore Baylor’s Career Tools